Cattle routes are governed by national Law 3/1995, March 23rd, of cattle routes, besides some other regional
regulations. Legally, the cattle routes are public property whose ownership is exercised by the regional
governments. So they are who have to preserve, define and mark the boundaries of these routes.
However, this protection has not been effective and the cattle routes have been modified or even removed by
new roads and motorways, industrial estates or as an effect of land-consolidation.
Where these cattle routes are still standing, the transhumance usage is not observed in its whole width, so there
are fences and walls. Thus, the grazing rights of the flocks during their journey are restricted.
Because of all these reasons, the Merino breed has lost its ancient value, the tracks have turned into narrow
paths only used by walkers who want to enjoy the landscape and forgotten traditional usages.
Asociación para el Desarrollo Rural La Vizana. 2015. All rights reserved. Legal notice