La Vizana starts in the pastures of Babia Biosphere Reserve, in the province of León, within the Cantabrian
Mountains. Every September, the shepherds start a long journey to the south, crossing Valles de Omaña y Luna
Biosphere Reserve until the banks of River Órbigo through well-known cities with a huge heritage such as Astorga
and La Bañeza.
Before leaving behind the province of León, the track crosses the River Órbigo over the bridge which gives its
name to the track, the bridge of La Vizana, near Alija del Infantado. Once in the province of Zamora, the track
goes through Benavente and the monastery of Granja de Moreruela leading to the capital of the province. Here, it
crosses the river Duero and goes south, through the region of Tierra del Vino.
It goes down to Salamanca, where it crosses the River Tormes over its famous Roman Bridge. After that, it comes
into Béjar, a region also declared as Biosphere Reserve. It enters into Extremadura through the Valley of Jerte,
arriving in Plasencia. From here, it goes to Monfragüe National Park and Biosphere Reserve, until ending in
However, this is not the end of the journey for many flocks and shepherds. From Trujillo, they go on following
other tracks and branches until their final destination, in Badajoz, Seville or Sierra Morena.
Asociación para el Desarrollo Rural La Vizana. 2015. All rights reserved. Legal notice